Employment Opportunities & Information for Ex-Nortel Networks & Nortel Networks Employees - Opportunités d'emploi et information pour ex-employées Nortel et même ceux qui y travaillent encore


Old News - Vieilles Nouvelles

Common Interview Mistakes[10/03/2002]

Think about starting a business or becoming self-employed [07/03/2002]

New Ex_Nortel Networks Employee List - Where are they now?[01/03/2002]

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 1:24:19 PM

Old News Details - Vieilles Nouvelles Détails

Common Interview Mistakes [10/03/2002]

(Obtained from YES -Youth Employment Services - Document.)

1. Arrive late for the interview.

2. Indicate you are late because the directions you were given were not good.

3. Look disheveled and inappropriately dressed.

4. Slouch in your seat.

5. Don't maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.

6. Don't make a connection between your skills and the needs of the employer.

7. Do your company research at the interview by asking, "What type of company is this and what do you do here".

8. Brag about how great you are, but neglect to cite evidence of your accomplishments.

9. Respond in an unfocused, disorganized and rambling manner.

10. Show no enthusiasm for the job.

11. Answer most questions with a simple "yes" and "no" answer.

12. Appear desperate for a job-any job.

13. Call the interviewer by his or her first name or use the wrong name.

14. Badmouthing your current or former employer.

15. Ask, "Are you going to hire me?"

16. Blurt out, "I need to make at least $35K. I hope that this job pays at least that much" near the beginning of the interview.

17. When asked, "Do you have any questions?" reply "No".

Starting up a business in Montreal [07/03/2002]

Note: This information can apply to outside Montreal and also to other Canadian cities.

Think about purchasing:

The Montreal Entrepreneur's Guidebook

To obtain more information about book contact:

Youth Employment Services (YES)

Please see our Entrepreneur web page for more information and links.

New site providing Ex-Nortel and Nortel employees' contact information [01/03/2002]

Jim Brouillette has created a web site titled Nortel - Where Are They Now , which contains a fairly detailed list of names. Please take a look at his site if you are looking for a particular person. We will be cooperating with each other in order to help find people and their contact information. Please see the link Looking for EX-Nortel Networks Employee permanant location to Jim's web site on this site.

If you want to add your name to the list please contact Jim.

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