Employment Opportunities & Information for Ex-Nortel Networks & Nortel Networks Employees - Opportunités d'emploi et information pour ex-employées Nortel et même ceux qui y travaillent encore


Monday, August 23, 2004 9:45:18 PM

Looking for Ex-Nortel Networks Employee - Chercher pour des Ex-Nortel Networks Employees Top

Contact the Webmaster to make a request to have a name published.

Ex-Nortel Networks Employees Missing. We are currently looking for the following people:

Jim Brouillette has created a web site titled Nortel - Where Are They Now , which contains a fairly detailed list of names and their contact information. Please take a look at his site if you are looking for a particular person.

This site will be cooperating with Jim in order to help find people and their contact information.

If you want to add your name to his list please contact Jim. If you are looking for someone please contact Jim and this site's WebMaster. We have a slightly different list and people might not be duplicated on both lists.

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