Old News Details - 07/2002 - 07/2002 - Vieilles Nouvelles Détails
Add two new recruiting companies [22/07/02]
Job place loyalty survey [22/07/02]
Job Opportunities [17/07/02]
Creation of a new web page to announce job opportunities. If you want to post, please contact the Webmaster. Currently there are two jobs that are available to all. Good luck.
Many New Articles [15/07/02]
Fast Start - Your First 60 Days
Congratulations, you've got the job! But you can forget about a honeymoon. If you're lucky, you've got 60 days to prove you can fit in and perform.
Finding a job in 10 steps
It's no secret that you must master certain skills to accomplish anything in life. Here are 10 steps that, if followed in the proper order, can help lead to your next job. As the Chinese proverb says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Funnies web page[15/07/02]
To lighten the mood, I have decided to include a Funnies web page of links to some other web pages so that this site is not too serious. Enjoy. If you have some interesting sites or a good joke, please let the Webmaster know.
Changing of title of web site[15/07/02]
Old Title:
Telecommunications Employment Opportunities in the Montréal Region - Opportunités d'emploi en Télécom de la Région de Montréal
New Title:
Employment Opportunities and Information for Ex-Nortel Networks and Nortel Networks Employees - Opportunités d'emploi et information pour ex-employées Nortel et même ceux qui y travaillent encore
- I believe that this web site has evolved from it's conception one year ago: providing Telecom opportunities to it's members. We have grown from about a handful of people to now well over 135 members. Thanks again Burt for starting it up.
- However, the main goals have remained the same, to serve the EX-Nortel Networks and Nortel Networks employees community with help in networking with other co-workers or ex-co-workers. To provide information concerning job searching, networking, entrepreneurship, basically to help it's members out in finding that next opportuntity whether it be a job or something else.
- Again if you have any comments or suggestions about the web site, please feel free to contact the Webmaster. Thanks again for all of your support and kind words over the past year concerning my efforts in maintain this every increasing web site.
Stats and information for job hunters in Quebec from Emploi Quebec[15/07/02]