Here are some web sites which provide information to help entrepreneurs or independent contractors.
Links for Entrepreneurs - Lien pour l'entrepreneur
These links have been added to this section, in belief that it will assist people who decides to work as an independent consultants or are interested in becoming entrepreneurs (opening up their own business). Please note, some of details (legal, tax, etc) are Canadian and some are from the US. I believe some of the context is relevant, regardless of the jurisdiction one wishes to work in.
Canadian Business Service Centers
- General business resources is the fastest way to find what services federal, provincial governments offer.
Business Development Bank of Canada
Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs (ACE Canada)
- Joint venture between ACE Canada and Strategis (Industry Canada).
The Contract Employee's Handbook
- Highly recommended reading according to numerous sources.
- Handbook available in PDF format, so you can download or print it as you require.
- Salary surveys, rate surveys, message boards, consultant directory, etc
Umbrella Services What Are They?
Professional Associations of Contract Employees
CP Universe - Contract Professional Magazine
Canadian Human Resources Management - Gestion des RH
To help with your day-to-day HR needs. A one-stop online information source for your human resource mangement needs. Designed to help small to medium sized business save time and money so you can foucs on maintaining your competitive edge. It is a virtual guide that supports your throught a full range of human resource related activities.
For help in Marketing, Sales, Promotion, Networking tips and information
Secrets for Success, marketing sales promotion (Success without Selling - Will Craig)
Will Craig - Marketing & Sales Coach
Will Craig also has a e-zing and newletters you can subscribe to. For a sample click here.
Profit Magazine - On-line Guide to Business Success
Some Coaches in the Montreal Area
George Czerniak - Marketing Consulting Training - CANIRR Inc.
George provides marketing and sales training to people who are interested. What is great is that he is located right here in Montreal. I have recently taken a course taught by him and it was very interesting. You learn theory and get to do role play with others.
128 Windmill Cr., Pointe Claire, Quebec, H9R 5B3 (514-697-7892) Tel/Fax.
Fred Horowitz
Coaching for Business and Personal Development (Can find him with the BNI people too)
50 Willowdale Ave., #608, Outremont, QC H3T 1G1
Tel: (514)735-3489 Fax: (514)221-2070
For Montreal, Quebec Independent/Entrepreneur Workers